Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

It has been a long hard year for everyone… Some have passed on, some have become ill, and others are just having trouble in their lives. Sometimes it is hard to see the positive side or just to even understand why things happen in our lives. Sometimes it is hard to be thankful when things go wrong but if you look deep into your life you will find the reason, it’s usually right before us and we can’t see it because of our own blindness.
We create our own destiny by not letting go and having the Faith to just let life have it’s way.

Take a moment of your day and just think of all the good things that have happened in your life this year. I know you have made a friend or something that has been positive… See you feel better already 🙂 If you are reading this post you are blessed with sight that many are not, so don’t say I can’t think of anything… Just let go and let life and Faith lead you down the right path and you will find so many blessings in your life and they will become abundant. Letting go and letting faith and destiny take over, this is the hardest thing to do in life.

Happy Thanksgiving

To all of you that have written a comment here on Wrongblog about dropping out of school I hope you have found your way and I wish you the best Thanksgiving… Don’t give up!

Most of all I wish all of you that follow this blog and write on this blog the most wonderful Thanksgiving day 😀

Enjoy this quiet video and reflect on being thankful 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving

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