Friday Feast #4

What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?

LMAO! Grunge. I was so into Nirvana!

Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.

I have recently been told that I have multiple personalities. When people first meet me I’m nice, sweet, optomistic, and so interested in what they have to say. Then after a while they find out that I’m cynical and “layered”. I’m working on being even across the board, but I deal with the public and let me tell you, it’s all I can do to be nice to some people.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?

LOL! I Used to do Physical work, now I do mental work. I’m not sure what’s more difficult, but I would say that I’m at least a 9.

Main Course
If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?

I would advertise the Downtown District my store’s in. I know, after reading my Thursday Thirteen this week you might not understand, but I really do like it here and I would love to see it improved and thriving even.

Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.

I love to sleep late when it is Sunday (my only day off!).

12 thoughts on “Friday Feast #4

  1. Today was my first time reading your blogs…kudos to you! My feast will posted as soon as myspace stops being slow and stupid and full of technical errors…ugg!

  2. I so know what you mean by dealing with the public. There are days I just here and wonder if it’s all real or a dream.
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. This was a great feast! I wish I could sleep late. I worked from 5 in the morning for so many, many years that it’s a habit for me to wake early no matter how late I sleep.

    Thanks for stopping by.

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