Pipes Changelog 2.0.10

  • Frontend Changes
  • String builder, Item builder and URL builder modules now have a max of 40 item per module, increased from 10.
  • In the Pipes Editor, in folders “My Pipes” and “Favorites”, the sort order is now based on last modified Pipe.
  • Engine Changes
    • Date Formatter Module can use Java SimpleDateFormat Patterns (http://y.ahoo.it/qSAA+)
    • SubPipe using default text bug fixed. (http://y.ahoo.it/8O7kH)
    • Some atom feeds not getting y:published emitted – fixed (note: if building own data (item builder, fetch data) and you want y:published emitted – run data through the “Create RSS” Module or “RSS Item Builder” module. y:published is needed to emit a valid RSS pubDate element in final Pipes RSS output)