We All Made It through Another Christmas!

Well Christmas is over and it was great, all the kids got exactly what they wanted… Of course!

It was a nice peaceful Christmas, finally after so many years of Court at Christmas or on one of the kids’ birthdays this one slipped by without a glimpse of such a thing. My youngest is finally 18 so that ends a chapter in my life I have waited so long for, ha, you thought what? No silly I am free from having to deal with my ex….

Do you remember that commercial, Plop plop fizz – whatever that’s it! Alka-Seltzer that’s a hard one to spell! I can’t believe I ate the whole thing! This Christmas was filled with so much food and goodies but it was all worth it. I should have taken some pictures but I know someone was so I will try to get around to posting them.

So I am back to the office it’s nice and toasty in here it was frozen out on the farm this morning early.
I got a new real thin down jacket from a friend, Wow! Who new a jacket could be so thin and keep you so warm – it’s perfect! I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a happy new year.

I saw this and thought it was nice


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One thought on “We All Made It through Another Christmas!

  1. I hear ya, re the jacket Wolfbernz…about twenty years ago my sister sent two such coats to me for Christmas..light as a feather (although they still have me looking like the Michelin man) but there really IS no weight to them. Yet they are the toastiest outerwear, ever. And, yes…I still have them, still wear them and they look as good as they did new. Here’s to your health and longevity to wear them for, once you get to be around a century that light weight will be especially nice! 😉 Happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas and, isn’t it such a joy when one comes along after years of ‘not so good’? Not talking prezzies etc. either…just peace and contentment of soul and spirit.

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