Bloggers Help America!

Here at Wrongblog we are proud to where the badge “Bloggers Help America” I think this is a great idea and a great cause.

There are 11 million or so blogs in the United States, if everyone gave just a dollar we could really help some of the people right here at home. You don’t have to be a blogger to donate either but when you think of the numbers and what we could do banded together!

Homeless people in our own backyards… come on people, what are we thinking?

If our country had a Momma, America would already have a real spanking by know- Overdrawn – spending in the deficit??? WTF!?? Oh- and let’s give out some bonuses to all those people that are “helping” us all out, Yeah right… Sorry I didn’t mean to rant!

Oh Yeah, The BBC Reports it! What a great bunch of people!

So join us in the Bloggers Help America Fund you can read all about it here or you can click the button on the side of this page.
