Thirteen Things I Like About the Book Store

Thirteen Things I Like about the Book Store

I work in a small.. very small.. book store in Downtown Seaford, Maybe you have seen pics in a previous post of the remodel work we did while I was in the “moving” phase. Anyway, There are thirteen thing that I LOVE about working here!

13. It’s HOT and Humid outside and I’m inside in the A. C.

12. The Quiet (I play classical music.. and I can actually hear it!)

11. The visitors. I get lots of customers regularly, and “the older crowd” has some really interesting stories about Seaford’s history and the events that took place while they were growing up here.

10. Keeping up with ALL the small town gossip, politics, and news. I get to hear about everything that’s going on, went on or will go on! Not that I would ever repeat anything, but it’s still fun to listen to!

9. The traffic. The store is on a “prime corner” and I get to watch everyone go by all day long (some people gow by one way, then back, then the other way… lol)

8. The books. I always wanted my own library, now I have it! The only downside to that is that now I have it, I don’t get much time to read cause I’m always busy.

7. The Coffee. I don’t think I’ve ever drank (drunk? drinked?) this much coffee! I should probibally stick to the de-caf though, I’m starting to get jittery!

6. My partners and family. I love that there a few people standing behind me and beside me all the way! It helps to know that people believe that a small book store can make it in todays age of super sizing!

5. Working for myself. I a sence I don’t work for myself, but there aren’t any bosses watching over my sholder, no time clocks to punch – matter of fact there aren’t any clocks in here.

4. The treasure hunt. I go through every book before I put it on the shelf and I fnd all kinds of things! Old love letters, old stamps, old notes and grocery lists, and even old contracts (last one was dated 1910).

3. The Downtown. I look at the newly remodeled downtown every day, the side walk planters are blooming, the trees are all green, and the streets are celan. I especially love it in the winter when the street lamps have the “christmas” lights on them.. SO BEAUTIFUL!

2. Did I mention the Coffee?

1. The Fire Alarm. The day might just be too quiet if the extra loud fire whistle didn’t go off every 20-30 minutes. Heck, how would I ever know to look for the screaming fire engine and the flying ambulances if the Whistle didn’t warn me ahead of time?

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27 thoughts on “Thirteen Things I Like About the Book Store

  1. OMG! I SO want your life! That sounds so soothing and cool. Let’s trade, ok? YOu can come and take care of my five kids, and I’ll come to your quiet bookstore. Wow. I’m SO freakin’ jealous!! Nice to meetcha, btw!

  2. A bookstore sounds so refreshing right now. I wish I could just get in my car and go….. Don’t you just LOVE air conditioning? I am pretty sure I would want to DIE if I didn’t have it.

  3. I love how you find all those odd things inside of the books imagine the scrapbook that could form … the item and a note of what book you found it in

  4. Oh, I love your list! I adore books and would love to work in a bookstore. I probably would never have a money left on payday, however, as I would spend it all! 🙂 I quite envy you. 🙂

  5. Is it a used bookstore or just a small, independent store? The books I’ve published are not carried by the chains, but there aren’t any small stores around here that I can “beg” to carry my books! Thanks for visiting my list, and try the strawberry poppyseed chicken salad at Panera’s. It’s my favorite!

  6. That is awesome…I’ve always thought it would be fun to work in a bookstore, but it seems like you work in a used books bookstore or at least one that buys antique books. That would be awesome to get to look at all the old books that come through your store! Good luck with it, sounds great! Thanks for stopping by my TT!

  7. Very cool that you have your own bookstore. I love going to independent ones, altho they may not love me so much since I’m mostly a browser. The treasure hunting aspect sounds like a great part of what you do 🙂

  8. thanks for visiting my TT – Happy Thursday! Wow – I would love to do what you do. Maybe not full time, but definitely for a stint. I found an old newspaper clipping in some furniture I had – there was also a bank statement in there. Turns out the furniture manufacturer went out of business in 1941 and I have a piece of history that I got next to nothing – THE FULL SET! Great list and I would say slow down on the coffee, but I just can’t bring myself to slow down on caffiene either….good luck on the coffee – keep having fun there! I work in accounting, the fact that I have to do math on your comment verification is hilarious….I thought I was off of work.

  9. I have always dreamed of working in a bookstore, having had a lifelong passion for reading. I love the smell and ambience of a bookstore…they’re one of my favorite places to be. Loved your 13!

  10. As a loud suburb dweller, I was all for hearing about quaint and quiet, but the alarms and sirens and whistles sound like home!

  11. Great list! I would love to work in a book store….of course I would be very poor because I would want to buy everything! My favorite bookstore is in Acadia, Maine…it’s called Port in a Storm….we visit there every summer and ironically it is always raining…a perfect place to spend a rainy afternoon! Thanks for visiting.

  12. Wonderful list! Just the name of your town, Seaford, dreams up romantic ideas for me, haha! I love books so I would love to work in a bookstore. Stay away from the coffee though, too much of a good thing and all!

  13. thanks for coming to my t13 yesterday… i’m always a little behind in getting back to visit those who visit me….
    your bookstore sounds awesome… it has all the sights, sounds, smells and feels that you could ever wish for! but i dont quite understand what’s up with the fire alarm?

    i have a message board friend in delaware, but i’m not sure the city!

  14. Hallo … thanks to T13 I’ve just found your interesting blog. I have bookmarked it so that I can return later to really have a good look! … daren’t stop now as still in dressing-gown and its 9.30 am (here in New Zealand) and my bum has been glued in front of PC since 7. What a lazy slut!

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