
Well it’s Thursday again and I didn’t do a Thursday Thirteen. I have had so much going on in this last week. I did finally finish the job I was on down at the beach. Boy am I glad to be out of there. I should have taken pictures but I didn’t… I know it sounds like I am slacking, But there are not enough hours in a day to get everything done. I am working on two large websites for customers that have to be finished this week and will launch soon. Then there is my construction company work and the coffee shop to help with.

Do you ever get so overwelmed with so much to do that you just don’t do anything? Well, that is about how I felt this morning but it’s getting better it’s about 2 pm and I am busy, busy, busy. Wrongblog has had a ton of visitors this week and I have had a ton of email. Sorry I can’t get to all of them But I will answer a few here.

NO wolfdogs don’t eat people!

No, Wolfbernz is not my real name it’s a screen name! and I just made it up

Yes, anyone can use Wrongblog for their own personal blog just register and post away.

Yes, watching Saddam hang on this site is too graphic. That’s why I posted just the link and no, I won’t put something like that on the blog!

Yes, you figured it out I have more then one blog My other site is BlogDumps.

No I don’t have alot of money and one foot in the grave.

Absolutly I will not post a picture of myself with my shirt off!

So that just about wraps it up. Thanks for stopping by and reading my rambling of the day I have to get back to work.

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