The Slut Box at Grandmas

We went to Grandma Marg’s for Easter this past weekend.

We are all sitting around the table and one of the kids says, “Look there is a slut box in the china cabinet!” She heard us from the other room and asked if we had ever heard the story behind the slut box and we all said no. She proceeded to tell us that it was some years ago the police arrived and were taking a woman out of the bar across the street, she was drunk but not handcuffed.

All the neighbors had come outside to see what the commotion was about and then this uncuffed woman jerked loose from the policeman and ran for at her (Grandma Marg) yelling obcinities and calling her a slut among other things. The police recovered their suspect and put her in the front seat, NOT the back seat where drunk and disorderly people belong. When the officer got in the car, she got out and chased Grandma one more time yelling, “I am going to get you you slut!”

We are taking about Grandma here…

So the next Christmas all the neigbors got together and gave her the slutbox so she would be prepared the next time she needed to go Slutting around. LMAO

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