Blessings In Our Lives

We have many blessings in our lives and we should embrace them And Fuel our Dreams.

We have all made mistakes, we all feel like we could have done better.  Let’s forgive ourselves and move on.  We have got to get past our feelings of guilt and sadness for missed opportunities.  Our brain is a tool like our hearts, kidneys and liver, (our brain being admittedly more complex) it’s just a tool.  We are the ones that are flying the plane!  But We are not the plane!

What are our dreams?  What do we want to have happened next?  Let us quell our fears and feed our dreams.     

 I read some statistics the other day it said that the prison population is exploding and that there are more people abusing methamphetamines than ever before.  The worst thing about it is that addicts have children who become addicted and then they have addicted children, it is huge percentage that is growing rapidly along with the prison population. 

Ask yourself, how much money is spent on housing one prisoner each year, and how much is spent per child on education? Our children are our biggest priority. 

Boil it all down, everything, what do we have?  Relationships with our parents, siblings, friends and as we grow older our children are first on our list   Our relationship is our legacy let’s cherish them, all of them