One Way To Stop Our Child From Lying

Dear Cleopatra, 

I am having trouble getting the truth out of my kids.

How can I get them to stop lying?

Robin in California

Dear Robin,  This is a common problem that parents have while raising their kids.
Don’t set your kids up for lies. 

If you child comes in with chocolate ice cream all over his face do not say “Sammy did you get into the ice cream”?  Instead say. “Sammy, you got into the ice cream and I told you no ice cream, and say it’s time out. Meaning use some type of time out Disclipline. Not yelling and screaming!

Our children believe us, when we tell them that they are a liar they will be a liar.  Instead I challenge you to rethink this approach.  Next time you child tells you a big whopper of a lie tell him or her that you wish that was the truth, but really, this is what happened and then you let it go. Don’t focus on them being a liar or lableing them as one.

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