Fallen soldiars funeral today Protesters to return

Today May 24, 2006. The funeral for yet another fallen soldier, Corporal “Rick” James, will be held in Seaford, Delaware. The hate group that protested at Corporal Cory Palmer’s funeral on last Sunday are to return to Seaford. They will be at Nutter Park from 11:15am to Noon today to protest during the funeral. The ( Westboro Baptist Church) Protesters will be fenced in and jersey walls will also be set up around them to keep the public out.

Tentions are still high from Sunday’s protest and confrontation between the groups is expected.

I find it interesting, a baptist church group, could find it within themselves to speak for God and to claim that they know what God is thinking and how he feels toward fallen soldiers, America, and its Patriots. Who are these people who Speak for God… or better yet, WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! Is this another cult group, just claiming to be Baptist? I didn’t think that Baptists were this way. I went to a Baptist Christian school until 8th grade and I don’t remember being taught to hate, speak for God, or protest at funerals.

The grieving family has asked for peace in Seaford today. I don’t think that’s alot to ask from the public or the protesters. I think that if it were any one of us, protester or not, and it were our family member, we would want the same. I live and work in the area so I will update the situation as it pans out.


One thought on “Fallen soldiars funeral today Protesters to return

  1. I was talking with a news photographer today, 5/24/06 (11.20 a.m.),at Nutter park in Seaford when word came that the cowardly protestwhores were too afraid to show up. There was a cement barricade set up to protect them. Also, a unit of mounted police, local police and state police was in place. In addition a state police helicopter hovered over the site for hours before the whores were supposed to show up. Yes, they had their asses kicked on Sunday and didn’t want anymore. (total cowards)
    They did succeed, however, in costing us tax payers untold thousands of dollars to protect their sorry asses.

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