Westboro Baptist church protesters are a no show

Well, I don’t know why they didn’t show, but I can honestly say I am glad they did not.

The family of Cpl. Richard “Rick” James asked for peace today and that’s exactly how it is in Seaford, Deaware, except for the buzzing around of the police. When I arrived at Nutter Park, the Mounted police were moving back toward the horse trailers and the police cars were starting to leave. Left behind were a few State Troopers, Seaford Police, Fox News, a few journalists and a handfull of counter protesters holding signs and playing music about being proud to be an American.

A picture of the fire engine holding the American flag in front of the Seaford Christian Academy where sevices were held.

I wonder how much money this cost us, as taxpayers? Who all pays the state, the City of Seaford? Did the protesters pay to put up the baracades or did you and I, the taxpayers?

In Texas it is illegal to protest or hold a deminstration at a funeral. I believe this is a law that should be in each and every state. in Illinois the “Let Them Rest in Peace” bill will soon be law. It is challenged by a law suite filed by the ACLU who stands behind Westboro Baptist Church. I know I am going to hear it from all who wish to preseve our first amendmet rights. I am a firm believer in our first amendment rights and will be the first in line to stand up and fight for our rights. But this is a funeral, a fallen soldiers funeral!

Thank you and Rest in Peace Cory and Rick


None of the Following Pictures are of the WBC Protesters.

Three patriotic young ladies
A women holds up a sign while waiting for the protesters to show up.
These guys came armed with signs aimed at the protesters!

Multimedia message28

Seaford Delaware

One thought on “Westboro Baptist church protesters are a no show

  1. I am so sorry that those people confuse protesting with publicity stunts. One can hate the issues but do not destroy some poor family’s peace whose sons have just died defending these idiots right to free speech. I wish these protesters would be arrested and tried using the hate crimes act so they could have treble time to pay for their misguided efforts. I may or may not agree with our governments actions, but please people, where is comon decency. Why would these protesters be so callous as to not care that they tear the hearts out of people whose sons have given their all to ensure all of our lifestyle.

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