Thirteen Things That Happened in the last Week

1. Worked like a dog, up early – stayed up late

2. We finally opened the coffee shop… ummm good coffee!

3. On Sunday, Cordy, my oldest son, had his Eagle Scout ceremony went really well! I am very proud!

4. WBC protesters showed up to my town and protested at one of our soldier’s funerals.

5. One of my friends was arrested for punching out two of the protesters.

6. I went to the Grand March at the high school to watch my other son, Wadde, before they went into the prom. He arrived in a stretch limo and when he came out on the stage he had two beautiful girls with him, one on each arm! They all looked great.

7. My refridgerater broke. It blead to death all over the kitchen floor and all the food spoiled stunk up the house!

8. I taught my Aikido class. Everyone seems to be improving

9. Cordy’s jeep blew a freeze plug on the engine and we had to load it on the trailer and take it to the local garage!

10. I found out I am going to have a grandson (just so everyone knows I am way to young to be a grandfather — I am only 29 Ha HA)

11. The tags are up on my car I have to go to the DMV.

12.My parrot never shuts up! He starts talking at sun up and I think he talks in his sleep! “Trina make the coffee!”

13. I sat in front of my computer and wrote to you about Thirteen Things that happend this week!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

14 thoughts on “Thirteen Things That Happened in the last Week

  1. Congrats on a little grandson…how exciting!!!

    Btw, my parents fridge just broke this week as well. My hubby will try to fix it for them, but luckily they have any extra fridge to use in their basement.

    Have a great Thursday!

  2. Our freezer blew a fuse about two summers ago, it was about 3 years old…spoiled a packed freezer full of food. Paid over $180 to get it fixed and found out that the part cost about $45 and we could have done it ourselves if we knew what was wrong. Blech! I saved the fuse so I know next time and maybe it’s Murphy’s law insurance that it won’t blow again. hee hee

    I’m sorry your friend was arrested, but I’m glad that he punched out the protester. It should be illegal to protest at a funeral… free speach is only free because of the soldiers who died. GRRR

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