Is it me..

or are the terrorists just not what they used to be?  I’m talking about the Black Muslims that were arrested for “thinking about” blowing up the Sears tower?  Yesterday, one had to listen to the news reporters try to tell this story with a straight face.  It turns out they weren’t marching in front of a warehouse- they had basically a small shed that they were chillin’ in….It’s a little hard to take these people as a serious threat when their family members are hamming it up on the t.v. saying things like “He’s Catholic” “Al-Quaeda?  He’s not in Al-Quaeda- I can’t even spell Al-Quaeda.”  Today, these same people couldn’t even get arrested.   You will notice there is no news story to be found on them.   Five of the seven weren’t even American citizens… they were illegals.  If this doesn’t beg for better border control I don’t know what does.  I guess we should be grateful that their IQs were equal to their shoe sizes or we might be writing about a story with a bitter outcome.  I almost want to thank these seven buffons for providing some laughter in light of the awful, shameful murders of our soldiers last week.  For a moment, just a moment- we can chuckle about a serious subject. 


Black Muslims

One thought on “Is it me..

  1. Great post! This is a subject well worth talking about!

    From what I have read, the Black Muslim group, that was arrested in Miami the other day, had no weapons or bomb making materials.

    The FBI did say that the group had done surveillance on the Sears Tower.

    The Black Muslim group is one I don’t think we pay enough attention to in this country because the government is pressured into being polticlly correct.

    We are very quick to detain Arab Muslims that are suspected of terrorist activity. I think equality should shine here and let’s detain them all.

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