Attention! All you fellow bloggers!


The only way to fight is to have you, my constant readers, blogging family and friends informed on the issue at hand! THIS IS SERIOUS!!

We, the blogging community, are in danger. Our freedoms are beening tested! Here’s a site to answer all your questions and to learn more!

I don’t know how many times we have to write on this subject to get your attention!

Ebay has finally taken notice of this issue saying:
“eBay provides a global Internet marketplace. Together with PayPal and Skype, we are enabling ecommerce for small businesses everywhere. Because the success of our companies is completely dependent on the success of our community of users, including small businesses, we take public policy positions that are important to that community.

eBay supports Net Neutrality legislation that will prohibit Network Operators from replacing the robust open Internet with “Pay to Play” private networks that will force out and discriminate against content and service providers that refuse to pay new tolls.”

Want to read more about this issue from Wrongblog? Click Here


Wrongblog Wolfbernz

2 thoughts on “RED ALERT!!!!

  1. The crap that is going on in the name of protecting the citizens is abhorrent. When I read anything about net neutrality, a map of China pops up in my head, where sights and thoughts are quashed. I don’t want to pay to play, the buggers are getting enough profit as it is.

  2. Trin,a I have to agree with Carla I don’t want to pay to play either! I signed the petition on the other post I think you are doing the right thing getting the word out!


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