On Monday, March 6,2006, Govenor Michael Rounds of South Dakota signed legislation to illegalize abortion. The legislation obviously challenges the Supreme Court’s decision in 1973 making abortion legal. Roe v. Wade. This legislation isn’t supposed to go into effect until July. If 16,728 people, within the next three months, sign a petition it will delay this legislation until the November election.

The legislation states that the only legal abortion in the state of South Dakota would be if the mothers life were in danger! I’m not sure how I really stand in this matter, I’m still undecided. In some ways I can see both sides. If you have an opinion, let me know. I’m curious to see how many people are for or against and why!

6 thoughts on “ABORTION

  1. I am not an advocate of abortion as a birth-control method but this kind of legislation which criminalizes even abortions for rape-victims goes to show how narrow-minded and insensitive the people that we elect to govern us can be. It’s hard to believe that we live in the 21st century and we are still debating if a woman should have control over what happens to them? This is, at best, medieval.

  2. Personally I’m not in favor of abortion, but that being said, I’m more in favor of the government staying out of our business. A woman should have the absolute right to decide for herself what happens with her body. The government, the extreme right wing and the radical Christians have failed miserably at trying to outlaw abortions so they now want to call it murder, and as such, criminalize it in an attempt to be able to control it. Roe vs Wade has been the law of the land for years. It has been decided over and over and the Supreme Court has ruled on a woman’s right to control her own body. Why does this issue just keep going on and on and on?

    It isn’t the governments place to be involved in such issues. But as long as we have one party controlling all three branches of government we will have abuses of power.


  3. I’m sure South Dakota legislators know abortion rights advocates will challenge the new law, and hope recent additions to the Supreme Court render this the right time to overturn R v W. I think the new law will be struck down before it reaches the high court. If it does go that far, I doubt that the Suprem Court would reverse R v W. Still, both sides of this issue have such a large population base and believe so strongly in their side of this issue that they have the right, even the obligation, to keep it before the legislatures and courts. For myself, I guess I sort of feel like Bill: I personally wouldn’t make the decision to abort a pregnancy except in the most dire of circumstances, but I don’t feel the need to legislate what others should do.

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