Can someone please talk to me about our children?

I have worked in the Social Service arena for 25 years and have seen it all. People cannot and do not take care of the children that they have. Now we are talking about reversing Roe vs Wade? May God have mercy! A couple of years ago Santa Maria enjoyed the highest teen pregnacy rate in the USA. Go planned parenthood, I think we are number three now. Pretty soon the government will be telling us how and when we can wipe our butts. Power to the people! If this was the sixties we would all take to the streets!


3 thoughts on “Can someone please talk to me about our children?

  1. I don’t live in California, but I do agree that many people in our nation can’t seem to take care of themselves, let alone a child. This goes especially for children having children.

    I’m not a “Pro-Choice” advocate, nor do I support the whole “Pro-life” idea. Sure it seems immoral to have an abortion, but that really is not for our government decide. I do like the idea that anyone under 18 should not be able to have an abortion with-out a parent’s consent, after all, it is the parents who are responsible for these children. What if there are medical complications from the abortion?

    More than anything, I would rather see Safe Sex taught in our schools — Starting in 6th grade. The whole I dea that we shouldn’t teach the kids safe sex (how to use a condom properly, how to take the pill, etc..) because it would be improper is stupid. The kids are “Doing It” and most parents either don’t know or choose not to acknowledge the fact. Kids need to know more than “If you have sex You’ll get pregnant” or “Don’t have sex until you’re married” That’s just more BS because hardly anyone now-a-days waits until they are married, this ISN’T THE 50’S! People, ESPECIALLY teenagers, only seem care about things that Directly affect them. They don’t realize the reprocussions of have unprotected sex – either pregnancy or AIDS or Ghonneria – until it happens to them.

  2. Trina and Liz,

    Well said.

    Problem today is simply that parents don’t take responsibility for themselves, much less the actions of their children. What the heck every happened to “spare the rod, spoil the child”? Parents need to discipline their kids. Back when mine were young, if they acted up, they got a spanking. If they threw a tantrum in a restaurant they had to go sit in the car until we were all finished, or if they were too young to do that, they were taken in the bathroom and disciplined until the tantrum stopped. Doesn’t it just infuriate you when you are in a restaurant trying to eat and some spoiled rotten kid is misbehaving and the parents just sit there and do nothing?

    The government is in an uproar over kids having access to porn on the internet. Well, whose fault is that? Parents buy their kids a computer and allow them to have it in their room and then don’t monitor what the kids are watching. Software exists to block computers from being allowed to access adult sites but either the parents don’t care, or are too darn stupid to put the software on the computer or too darn lazy to do it. Kids are going to be kids….and adult entertainment companies are always going to be around. So, if you are a parent and you don’t want your kids watching adult entertainment…then either don’t get’em a computer, or place the computer somewhere in the house where you can monitor what they are looking at and put porn blocking software on it, but don’t blame the adult entertainment industry because you are too lazy to take responsibility for what your kids do.

    Abortion….where the hell does the government get off trying to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with your own body. The politicians are simply allowing the religious fanatics to sway their votes. Kinda like the tail wagging the dog. When was the last time you met a politician who had the guts to do what was right rather than what would cost him the least votes? The government needs to stay out of our bedrooms and quit intruding on the personal rights of indviduals.

    And Trina, you hit the nail on the head. Kids are growing up today with virtually NO education about sex. Parent are afraid to do it so they leave it up to the schools. Bush, when he became President by court decree…..NOT by election, had his croonies in Congress pass legislation that prevented public schools from teaching condom use if they received public funding. My God, how STUPID is that. You are going to tell a 15 or 16 or 17 year old just to abstain…..and you think they are going to listen???? Right! At least give our kids a fighting chance. Teach them how preganancy occurs. Many of todays kids believe that if the “pull out” the girl won’t get pregnant. There are lots of 17 year old moms running around today because they believed that. And what about AIDS and other STD’s… aren’t going to stop kids from having sex by telling them just to say NO. Only condoms can prevent pregnancies, the spread of AIDS and other STD’s……at least teach them that!!!! Condoms may not be 100% effective….but the latest studies say they are, IF properly worn, 97% effective… teach ’em that and at least give them a fighting chance!

    Our government has truly stopped using good ol common sense. But them what can you expect from a government run by someone who honest to goodness looks like and behaves like the kid in the movie DUELING BANJOS! And, it appears that I’m not the only one who feels this way……he now has a37% approval rating….that’s a 63% DISAPPROVAL rating. LOWEST IN HISTORY. Finally, I’m part of the majority! Heh, Heh, Heh


  3. And, just so we can both feel good about being on the same page…bumps on the face ARE pregnancy related. Stupid hormones do that. I get face bumps on a regular basis, and it stinks! But, what is a pregnant girl to do?

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