How do you feel about adult films?

Wolfbernz posted about the sale of adult toys being illegal in certain states.  I’m curious as to how everyone feels about adult films….you know, the kind sold in adult book stores.  Some call it pornongraphy, some call it art, some say it’s illegal, others love watching it.  What about you?

 What do you think….do consenting adults have the right to purchase and view such films for use in the privacy of their own homes.

 Do you think the government has the right to regulate such films?

Do you think that adult films contribute to violence against women?  If so, are you able to quote any statistics?

Do you believe that the government has the rights to regulate what we do or what we watch in our own bedrooms?

Just curious as to what everyone thinks.  Are we really free in this country from intrusion from “Big Brother”? 


One thought on “How do you feel about adult films?

  1. Let’s face it; sex is almost as much of a driving human force as eating, drinking or breathing, and every bit as important as those things for the survival of our species. More people than like to admit it enjoy visual stimulation. As long as the people making such films and viewing them are consenting ADULTS, our government should engage in their ONLY legitimate purpose, (according to Jefferson), to secure the rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” of the citizens. I think everyone can agree that the government should root out and destroy anyone who abuses children for anything of this nature!

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